Older lady with cat

Our Impact

For 70 years, LOFT has been on the forefront of providing holistic support for complex issues. Our experience has taught us that we must constantly adapt to meet the ever-changing needs of the community we serve.

While our primary focus is supporting individuals, the impact our work has on the greater community is profound. Ensuring no person is overlooked helps alleviate the strain on our healthcare, first responder, and policing services. Discover the impact of our work through our blog, newsletters, results, and research papers.

LOFT by the Numbers

We support over 19,000 individuals per year, operating in Toronto, York Region, and Simcoe.
(Numbers as of March 31, 2024.)


Clients served from youth to seniors

Supportive housing units

Clients transitioned from hospitals to the community or long-term care

Housing and Service Hub Locations

Number of housing sites and service hubs by numbers served across Ontario.

Financial Position

Total Revenue


Operating Expenses

  • 74% – Salaries & benefits
  • 18% – Operating expenses
  • 4% – Resident Services
  • 4% – Administration


  • 88% – Government Funding
    • 5% – Municipal
    • 83% – Province of Ontario
    • 12% – Other
  • 8% – Resident contributions
  • 3% – Donation Income
  • 1% – Other

Information based on the 2024-2025 operating budget.

To access our T3010 on the CRA website, please click here.

Transformational Stories

We walk alongside individuals on their powerful journeys to greater independence. Read stories told through the eyes of our staff and clients.

Annual Reports

Our annual reports provide a snapshot of our yearly impact. Read previous editions.


We keep our partners and supporters up-to-date on the impact of our work through our newsletters. Read previous editions and sign up to stay connected.