Older lady with cat

Transformational Stories

We celebrate the courage, determination, and resilience of our clients in their recovery journey. These stories capture their powerful, life-changing journeys as told through the eyes of our staff and clients.

From despair to joy: Estelle Young

From despair to joy: Estelle Young

It began with the death of her son. Then she lost her mother in a car accident and her fiancé died suddenly of a ...
Highlighting Hope: Rory

Highlighting Hope: Rory

Rory had been homeless for four years before finding his way to LOFT. During that time he struggled with substance ...
Get to Know Us: Dorota

Get to Know Us: Dorota

Everyone is at ease when Dorota is around. Her infectious laugh precedes her like a beam of sunshine and when you ...
Hope and support though homelessness: Michael’s Story

Hope and support though homelessness: Michael’s Story

Living at LOFT’s Bradford House, a supportive care home for older adults and seniors with complex health ...
Addiction, Recovery and Reconnection: How Cate found the strength to change her life from desperation to a future of possibilities

Addiction, Recovery and Reconnection: How Cate found the strength to change her life from desperation to a future of possibilities

LOFT’s Ingles Housing and Support Services serves young women aged 16-26 in recovery from complex addiction, ...